
Showing posts from August, 2021

How Does Littering Affect the Environment?

The reasons litter ends up in the environment are varied, but the sad truth is that the majority is intentional. Laziness, lack of receptacles, lenient laws, and the presence of existing litter are all contributing factors to why people toss their trash. Litter removal in Bellevue and across the nation is critical to protecting the environment. But how does litter hurt our green spaces ? Polluting Earth, Air, & Water Over time litter degrades into micro-particles, and as it does so it moves deeper and deeper into the environment. Chemicals also leach out of products like cigarette butts and can end up in our freshwater sources. Burned litter also releases toxins, polluting the air.  Killing Wildlife A well-known and understood fact of litter is how it can endanger wildlife. Animals can get caught in it and also try to eat it. Unfortunately, the story of litter and wild animals rarely ends well.  Spreads Disease Litter is garbage, and as such, it can carry bacteria, viruses...

Why Proper Cleaning Is Essential To Turf Maintenance Equipment

Beauty comes from hard work and turf maintenance in Kent is no different. Ensuring your grass stays healthy and lush requires the right tools. Their care is critical to the success of your lawn, golf course, or park.  Routine Cleaning As soon as you finish using your equipment, it should be cleaned. Inevitably, grass and dirt will clog up the mechanisms and can cause problems if not addressed. Rinse off the parts that get filled with organic matter and make sure they have a chance to dry. Wet metal will rust, and could lead to all kinds of other issues. Grease The Wheels Although it’s necessary to clean your turf maintenance equipment , make sure you re-grease any parts that need it. Cleaning can remove vital lubrication in cogs and wheels, so check to be sure all the moving parts have the grease they need.  Give your landscaping the best chance for success and take a few minutes to care for your tools when you’re done. Time, money, and the headache of broken-down equipment c...